Whether you use concrete floor indoors or outdoors, it is going to complement your home. Giving a spectacular finish to your home, it is a kind of flooring that comes with a variety of benefits like easy maintenance, durability, and versatility. Previously the use of concrete was limited to garages, driveways, and sidewalks, however, today people use it confidently in other areas of the house as well. The reason why people are using it abundantly in their homes is because of its easy to clean nature. Moreover, they find it easy to polish and give an altogether new look to their home floor from time to time.

What Is Concrete?

Known as the Cinderella of materials used for flooring, concrete floor has become the popular choice of people for all kinds of floors. Simply made cement, water and sand, this natural material is in use for centuries. If you are already having the concrete floor at home and looking for a concrete floor cleaning company to polish it, we are going to give you a reasonable alternative. Now, you can polish your concrete floor on your own by following these few tips.

Polishing Basics:

People hire a commercial concrete floor cleaning company to polish their concrete floors because they are not even aware of polishing basics. A concrete floor can be polished in a number of ways and the most popular approach is hand polishing where you can simply make use of a vacuum cleaner to get the polishing done. However, it still is preferred to use machinery to get it done in the right way.

Step By Step Procedure of Polishing Concrete Floor

When a homeowner tries to find a reliable concrete floor cleaning company near me to perform the task of polishing, this search takes time. Try to save your time and take the polishing task in your own hands. Given below is the step by step detailed procedure of polishing concrete floor on your own. Read it carefully and you will be able to polish your floor easily.

Sweep The Floor:

The first need of polishing is, of course, a clean floor. If you are going to polish your floor without cleaning it properly, the results are not going to be the same. For best results, take a broom and remove all the dirt from the floor. You can also use a vacuum to sweep away all the dirt particles from the floor. Use it and your floor is all set for polishing.

Mop The Floor:

The next step is of mopping because it is not possible to remove all dirt particles from the floor with a broom. When you mop it with water and detergent, you are also going to remove all the mild stains from the floor. Do not directly apply polish after that, let it dry and come back after some time.

Coarse Grit Polishing:

When you use coarse grit disk to polish your concrete floor, the results are going to be awesome. With this disk, you can even remove stubborn stains from the floor. Take a start from one corner of the floor and move forward in a systematic way. It would be wise to work in a circular motion and make sure that there is no overlapping as you proceed.


Fine Grit Polishing:

After that, you can move to a fine grit and the work motion must be in the same circular pattern. When you polish your floor using fine grit, all the residual stains are going to be removed from the floor and it gives a uniform look to eyes as all the rough patches are also removed during this process.

Extra Fine Grit Polishing:

This is the final round. When you use extra fine grit polishing, the results are awesome. It gives your floor a reflective shine. When you are done with extra fine grit polishing, you are going to have a beautiful finish at the end.


Done with all these steps, seal your floor to make this shine long lasting. If still feel uncomfortable in doing it on your own, try to get the help of a professional.